3 days of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam Katha
April 11th to 13th
His Grace Lal Govind Das, a world renowned spiritualist with mastery in the knowledge of Vedic Scriptures is blessing our community with his presence on April 11, 12 & 13th, 2025 (timings in flyer above). His talks provide simplified knowledge of the essence of the Vedas with references to stories from the Puranas and other Vedic texts, which one can use to deepen their love for Lord Sri Krishna.
Features: Ecstatic Kirtan, Enlightening discourse & Dinner Prasadam
Please RSVP below to join us at Marriott in Columbus OH, to hear his heart-melting and mesmerizing narrations from the Srimad Bhagavatam in Hindi.
This is a free event, but if you feel inclined to sponsor towards trip costs for Lal Govind Das, general event setup expenses or prasadam, it will be much appreciated!
We need volunteers for this event. Please click here for volunteering opportunity:
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